A world without nukes

Article en anglais

Par Ibrahim Chalhoub Rédigé le 19/03/2012 (dernière modification le 19/03/2012)

Following his contribution to the earth-shaking report about the worldwide investments in nuclear weapons, Tim Wright, the Australian director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), tells the Podcast Journal about his work encompassing territories and reaching out for a better world. Let’s explore the views and actions of this non-governmental organization (NGO) through the words of one of its members.

Hiroshima... August 6, 2011! Photo (C) ICAN
He got involved with ICAN as soon as it was launched in 2007. The 26 year-old activist with degrees in International Relations and Law is the coordinator of the campaign in Australia. I had quite a diversified experience with ICAN traveling through Africa visiting about 15 countries to promote the treaty of Pelindaba]i, Tim Wright said. In fact, this treaty which was signed in 1996 came into effect on July 15, 2009 and insured and African nuclear weapon free zone.
Tim’s work is not just about participation in conferences and reviews about non-proliferation treaties (NPT) of weapons – he actually took part in different demonstrations around the world in support for nuclear disarmament. An example was the huge rally in New York in 2010 just before the NPT review contracts where about ten thousand people were marching in the streets. He also participated in the Russian ceremonies on 2 locations to mark the anniversary of the Russian bombing. It’s an international campaign and we amplify results by working together with other members of the ICAN.
As for the work of the campaign in Australia, its young coordinator is trying to put pressure on the Australian government to end its reliance on US nuclear weapons on one side and to stop exporting uranium on the other.

During his studies in Melbourne University, Mr. Wright was highly interested in the international legal system. I believe that there’s a need for an effective international legal system, but pertaining to nuclear weapons this system is less than satisfactory and the NPT is in a very poor state. Despite that the use of nuclear weapons will cause a worldwide disaster, there is no treaty that bans those weapons of mass destruction who weigh heavily on the human psyche. Perhaps the psychological pressure put by the presence of mass destruction weapons is the hidden cause behind the mobilization of NGOs like ICAN seeking the complete halt of proliferation as well as the total prohibition of nukes.

As a broad objective of ICAN, we intend to bring a group of governments to commit to abolish nuclear weapons and that includes allies of countries who already own such arsenals. This group could initiate the process of a nuclear weapons convention to achieve the required disarmament. We also have other strategies to achieve our goals, and one of them is our recent campaign to encourage people not to bank with financial institutions which are enlisting in nuclear arms producing companies. The description behind this quest is a 180 pages report called Don’t bank on the bomb, which provides ample details about nuclear weapons financing resources according to the claims of the campaign.

The Australian section of the ICAN is also trying to prevent a possible export of Australian uranium to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which could speed up the nuclear arms race in the Middle-East.

Podcast journal: You’re now 26 years old and you’ve done quite a lot to contribute to a nuclear-free world. Where do you see yourself in about 10 years from now?

Tim Wright: Haha! I never thought of it this way, but I hope by that time we would have nuclear weapons fully abolished.

You can listen to a message by Tim Wright in the Podcast below and watch a video campaign seeking the ban of nuclear weapons

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