Chanson à la une - Notorious, par Duran Duran

Par Rédigé le 31/07/2012 (dernière modification le 31/07/2012)

Le célèbre groupe pop rock britannique, fait partie de la vague "nouveaux romantiques" associée à la new wave des années 1980. Fin 1986, Internationalement populaire, Duran Duran ajoute ce tube à son palmarès avec cet album au titre "Notorious" du même nom que le premier single extrait. En tournée mondiale en 1987, il sera des hits français de cet été là... Réédité en 2010.

Notorious. Paroles et musique: Simon John Le Bon, Nick Rhodes et John Taylor. Interprète: Durand Durand. (1986)

I can't read about it
Burns the skin from your eyes
I'll do fine without it
Here's one you don't compromise
Lies come hard in disguise
They need to fight it out
Not wild about it
Lay your seedy judgments
Who says they're part of our lives?

You own the money
You control the witness
I'll leave you lonely
Don't monkey with my business
You pay the prophets to justify your reasons
I heard your promise, but I don't believe it
That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious

Girls will keep the secrets (uh)
So long as boys make a noise
Fools run rings to break up
Something they'll never destroy
Grand Notorious slam (bam)
And who really gives a damn for a flaky bandit?
Don't ask me to bleed about it
I need this blood to survive

You own the money
You control the witness
I'll leave you lonely
Don't monkey with my business
You pay the prophets to justify your reasons
I heard your promise, but I don't believe it
That's why I've done it again.


You own the money
You control the witness
I'll leave you lonely
Don't monkey with my business
You pay the prophets to justify your reasons
I heard your promise, but I don't believe it

You own the money
You control the witness
I'll leave you lonely
Don't monkey with my business
You pay the prophets to justify your reasons
I heard your promise, but I don't believe it
That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious

That's why I've done it again. No. No
That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious
That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious
No-no-Notorious. Yeah
That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious
No-no-Notorious. Yeah
That's why I've done it again. No-no-Notorious

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Duran_Duran.mp3  (576.86 Ko)

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