European Ukrainian: The country bargains for a dialogue with EU

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Par Andre Wagner Rédigé le 05/09/2013 (dernière modification le 17/04/2018)

These days the world changes promptly and new economic tendencies force to look for new trade areas, labour, as well as perspective directions of strengthening of the European Community.

This circumstance explains why Europeans turn more to EU eastern frontiers, and one can hear more persistent discussions on necessity of expansion. However traditionally conservative Europe isn't intended to pass hasty decisions and to extend at the expense of a ballast represented by the weak states being able to fall economy and monetary system of the EU. At the same time it is impossible to deny the fact that the ex-countries of the Warsaw Treaty Organization, such as Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, having stable economy and constantly increasing rates of development, have no small shares in framing the destinies on the European political arena.
Nowadays potential applicants to become associate members of the EU are Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. And, if, on the one hand an rather weak as far as economic development Moldova with strong Romanian lobby, and, Georgia being far from the European borders, are considered enough conditionally, Ukraine, from the other hand according to a number of the European politicians, is necessary for EU because it is able to give a momentum to a new stage of development. However, the economic situation in Ukraine worries the European business and politicians.
It's difficult enough to Europeans to understand mentality of the slavic nations which representatives are perceived frequently as peasants of the USSR and are associated with Russia.
In this context an opinion of one of representatives of a new generation of the Ukrainian politicians, the first vice-premier in the current cabinet of Ukraine, Sergey Arbuzov, concerning development prospects in Ukraine of German business represent interest. He considers, that, certainly, fears of not only German, but other businessmen are reasoned and situation when it's difficult to solve objective matters of business dealing really form a part of the Ukrainian reality. At the same time now in Ukraine, for the first time for years of independence, the decision-making system has become coordinated. The government is represented by the team having new approaches in administration, and gradually its work becomes improved, mechanisms become opened and transparent. Therefore the problems impeding with civilized business dealing and are faced foreign investors by, will be resolved operatively, namely, by the practice of a developed world. According to the Ukrainian politician, it is necessary to make every endeavor to open Ukraine for everybody and to attract the European business to the country being without fears and with confidence in the future. He is confident that Ukraine could be useful and interesting to Europe. (see )
Mr. Arbuzov considers the fact that the investor doesn't see suitable conditions for work doesn't mean that it isn't interested in the Ukrainian market. Maybe rules of play aren't suitable for him. However it is necessary to notice that on the Ukrainian market such known companies successfully work for many years: Bayer, METRO Cash&Carry, KWS. Not so long ago a company Pfeifer&Langen has got the largest sugar factory.
In fact, Ukraine is a country with untapped potential and comprehensive facilities. It's a vast consumer market, covering 46 million inhabitants, with large infrastructural projects where European, including the German companies, could participate by means of technologies, investments.
Today Ukraine scratches for a uniting idea and the eurointegration could become such idea. Ukrainians worry about how they and their children will live tomorrow, therefore a course to integration of the country into the European economic space causes interest and support, despite the different degree, of the population of all regions of Ukraine.
Mr. Arbuzov makes no doubt that the Ukrainian government understands the need for negotiation of association agreement with the EU. As for the negative outlook for the development of the Ukrainian economy, expressed surprising regularly by Russian politicians, they are simply far-fetched in his opinion. So, in the eyes of Ukrainian politician, the acceleration of European integration processes will bring Ukraine in the future GDP growth of 2 - 3 percent. Such opinion is also confirmed by the findings of EU experts.
Probably, with occurrence among the Ukrainian politicians of representatives of a new generation, such, for example, S.Arbuzov will change the pro-Russian vector defining a direction of the Ukrainian foreign policy for last years, and it'll become more weighed and optimum effective.

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